End stages of lung cancer
Stage 4 lung cancer what to expect from it
Maybe sometimes the patients who got stage 4 lung cancer have same question to their disesease they got namely stage 4 lung cancer what to expect?. It is so horrible to hear this kind of question. We definitely felt pity to hear that. As we know that cancer is a deadly disesase. Not little patients of lung cancer have already progressed to stage 4 lung cancer at the time they are diagnosed. Therefore most of them beside hoping long life sometimes they have given up to their desease. By they are undergoing chemotheray they are waiting for their time come up.
The Definition of stage 4 lung cancer what to expect from it
Stage 4 lung cancer means the cancer has spread to more than one area in the other lungs. Cancer can spread anywhere in the body. More likely the cancer spread to the brain, liver, adrenal glands, and bones. It will be impossible to the lung cancer if it has spread to the lymph nodes above the collarbone, or if the cancer has spread to the vital structures namely to the chest. Many of us hope an answer to the cancer patients about stage 4 cancer lung what to expect. Especially for someone we love who got stage 4 cancer lung.
Well to answer the question “stage 4 lung cancer what to expect?, there are several answers that it might help the patient to hold on to the cancer more likely long, and to encourage the patients to live. First, the particular lung cancer type and location. The type and the location of lung cancer will affect to the time we hold on to the desease. Second, your sex. The woman have life expectancy on lung cancer is higher of lung stages. Third, the responsd to the treatment. Being healthy at the time of diagnose can be associated with a longer life expextancy. Fourth, the age. The age of the patient of lung cancer affects the live expectancy because the younger people tend to live longer than old people.Fifth, other health condition. The other health condition that you have such as emphysema, it might will lower stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy.
Well it is possible that there are several things that we do not know which make stage 4 cancer lung patients live longer. As we know the pain that felt by the patient is different. There are some people hold on and fight to their lung cancer till the end, and there are some people just give up to their desease and ready to face the death. But the thing to know that we got the answer of the question above “stage 4 cancer lung what to expect?.
Although some patients with Stage IV NSCLC have cancer that has spread to of bone metastases in with NSCLC and with small cell lung cancer
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