Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Stage Lung Cancer And Pneumonia Considered Right

Egfr mutation lung cancer

Egfr mutation lung cancer

What is the relation between Lung cancer and Pneumonia?

Many people do not know the relation between lung cancer and pneumonia which is not surprising. As pneumonia and lung cancer only similarity is that attacking human lung. However, even though the similarity between these two is lung diseases, these two diseases are highly related in a complicated way. For examples is people who are afflicted with lung cancer cell are highly risked and have higher chance to be afflicted with pneumonia. So how can this happen? Well to know about their relation then we need to delve further into the lung cancer diseases first.

The relation between lung cancer and pneumonia

First of all, the most interesting things about lung cancer and pneumonia are that these two diseases are highly compatible and usually appear or resurface as a complication diseases. the reason of this is because pneumonia only happen when the lung cancer cell has taken most of the lung cell forcing the body immunity system to drop beyond average and giving access to bacteria and also viruses that has become one of the most prominent reason on why lung cancer are happen. Due to this reason, these two diseases can be said as one of the most compatible diseases against each other and in a very bad way.

Additionally lung cancer and pneumonia can make the victim life threatened even further as the lung cancer victim will be vulnerable to pneumonia diseases and can have harder time to recover on its own. This is why people who have lung cancer in their body will need to be treated immediately before all of the lung cancer cell has been evolved and forcing the body immunity system to go down and give various bacteria and also viruses pass to the body which giving birth to a new diseases which will become harder to be cured.

In this explanation we can see how highly related are pneumonia and also lung cancer. However it is not only open to pneumonia because there are many other diseases that can go in conjunction with the lung cancer diseases. Therefore, as we know about this fact, it is always a good idea to make sure that our body are healthy and will not being afflicted with the lung cancer cell. There is a good way to check up our health to professional to further treat our body if by any chance we are being afflicted with the lung cancer cell. In the end the relation between lung cancer and pneumonia are very close and can cause death to the victim.

June Lung cancer staging will undergo important changes following edition of the tumor node and metastasis TNM classifications for lung cancer

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see below information Stage Lung Cancer And Pneumonia Considered..........