lung cancer pics
What have to do when we are diagnosed with terminal lung cancer
There are no good ways that make us satisfied to hear that we have been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. In your mind, what kind of respond will you give when you hear that you are diagnosed with terminal lung cancer? Can’t be denied, definitely numb feeling, sadness, anger, fear, and also loss will come to frighten us. Believe or not, feeling sorry will be felt everytimes. Sometimes some people do not accept the reality of having terminal lung cancers, and die seeking the treatment of lung cancers. Some people might say “okay i got lung cancers, what to do then?”.
Terminal Lung Cancer in Detailed Manner
Accepting the reality of having terminal lung cancer is not easy. Beside that, we can not live as normally as usual before we know that we are diagnosed with lung cancers. Confused feeling wether we have to hold on to our live or just give up to the desease. So what have to do when we are diagnosed lung cancer? As i said before, there are no good ways that make us satisfied to accept lung cancer, but rather than feeling depression and sadness of the reality better that we do something possitive to ourself.
Well we know that the reality is bitter, but it does not mean we have to give up to the diseaeses. We have to have plan for remaining live. Namely by doing medical care and clinical trial. Althought our cancer is incurable, you have to do treatment. Join to the cancer associaten is a good way to support you in live to share experience of having cancer and supproting one to other. Beside that having plan to enjoy your day with family is not bad idea. Because by doing that we will feel be supported and realize that they do not leave us alone to fight the terminal lung cancer.
Having lung cancer is bad, but having good plan to face the lung cancer is not too bad. At least we don’t waste our remaining time to our sadness and depression. The thing that we can not controll while having cancer is emotion. Sometimes we will be easy to angry or crying when we tired of cancer. Emotional support is important and it is not just from family we got, but we can join cancer association of terminal lung cancer or cancer association to make sure that we can handle all of the lung cancer in the end.
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